7 Residence Permit
As mentioned previously, a visa will grant non-EU nationals entry to Germany, but one must obtain a residence permit in order to stay in Germany beyond the duration that the visa is valid. (Visas generally expire after 90-180 days, depending on the type.) To apply for a residence permit, or an Aufenthaltstitel, one must gather a large variety of documents, and then arrange for an appointment at their local Ausländerbehörde (or the Kreisverwaltungsreferat in the city of Munich).
The residence permits are generally valid for 1 year, but sometimes they will be approved for 2 or more years. Unfortunately, there’s no way to know in advance or to specifically request a visa of a longer duration.
7.1 Required Documents
Studying in Germany offers a nice, general overview of the documents required. Below, I’ve provided slightly more information and tailored portions of it to the process in Munich.
- Passport
- Biometric passport photos
- dm-drogerie markt is a retail store found throughout Germany offering passport photos. They take care of everything: photo background, lighting, printing, etc. at a reasonable price
- There are photo booths (“Fotoautomat”) scattered throughout Munich, often in the U-Bahn stations, that can be used for passport photo
- Otherwise, Google for “Pass foto” or similar to find a nearby location
- Visa documents
- “Schengen friends” will not have a document to provide, or it will just be a tourist visa document
- Immatrikulationsbescheinigung: certificate of enrollment from your university
- Krankenversicherung: proof of health insurance
- Must submit Immatrikulationsbescheinigung to health insurance provider first!
- Proof of financing: in theory, this can be any combination of the options listed below as long as you meet the minimum threshold value of €11208/year. The most simple option is to pick one of these.
- Anmeldung document
- Completed Antragsformular
- Students will mark that they are applying for the “Aufenthaltserlaubnis”
- Print out a copy and provide a physical signature on the paper
- The link above is specific to students who live in the city of Munich, but other towns/states will likely have similar documents to complete
7.2 Making an Appointment
Similar to finding an apartment in Munich, arranging an appointment with your local Ausländerbehörde can, at times, feel like an impossible endeavor particularly if you’re moving to the city around the start of the winter semester in October. The Munich Kreisverwaltungsreferat provides a page on residence permits for students, but it’s only available in German. Key sections from this page:
- Benötige Unterlagen = a list of the required documents for the appointment
- Dauer & Kosten = length and cost of the residence permit (~€100)
Assuming, you’ve collected all of your documents, you must first submit copies of most of the documents online. The link to this portal is currently somewhat buried in the middle of the page in this text,
Für die Beantragung einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis übersenden Sie uns bitte online oder per Post Ihr Antragsformular sowie die benötigten Unterlagen.
So I’ve provided a direct link here. Click Start at the bottom of the page, followed by “Ohne Anmeldung fortsetzen”. The very first question will ask if you are registered in Munich, or, in other terms, you must complete your Anmeldung prior to even doing this online submission. (Ist die antragstellende Person in München gemeldet?) You will next be asked to upload the Antragsformular, passport scan, and Krankenversicherung.
7.3 Emergency Situations
As noted, it can be incredibly difficult at times to obtain an appointment, and your visa might expire before you are able to complete your appointment or have your residence permit arrive in the mail. However, there are some technical details on this issue which might make this a non-issue. In short, if you have submitted your documents online to the Ausländerbehörde/KVR, then you are essentially safe in the interim period.
Make sure you have a copy of your submission or the email confirmation you receive from the office as this will temporarily allow you to remain in Germany. This, however, will not be valid in other Schengen countries nor will it allow re-entry to Germany so you will essentially be stuck in a limbo state if this happens. You should, of course, try to obtain a
(In progress) Fiktionsbescheinigung scenarios: * Need to start work immediately * Family emergency e.g. death, severe illness
7.4 The Appointment
(in progress, not much to know though)
7.4.1 Delivery
Approximately 2-4 weeks after the appointment, you should receive a letter containing PIN and PUK codes. Do not throw this letter away. In short, you will need this document in order to use the online components of your Aufenthaltstitel; see this page for details on these codes. Receipt of this letter can loosely be interpreted to mean that you have also been approved for your Aufenthaltstitel.
The residence permit will be sent by registered Deutsche Post mail approximately 4-8 weeks after your appointment. Unfortunately, you need to personally sign for this mail, but you will not be provided any notice that the mail is on the way. So, if you don’t happen to be at home on the delivery day, picking up your residence permit card may become even more complicated than it already is. I highly recommend checking out the Postal Services chapter to prepare ahead of time.